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Recreation, Sport and Tourism :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism
College of Applied Health Sciences

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Andy Heger

Andy Heger

Andy Heger is a senior in recreation management.

What is your overall impression of the RST department and your own studies?

I feel that the RST faculty and staff really care about developing a sense of responsibility and professionalism in every student. My coursework gave me a wide enough base of knowledge about business basics and Recreation Management to make an immediate impact in the field during my internship. I stayed in touch with several faculty members during my internship, and they proactively helped me accomplish my professional goals.

What has been your best/most interesting/most beneficial experience within the department so far?

My most beneficial experience with the department, aside from making some great friends, was when I took the class on consumer culture with Carla Santos. The whole course gave me an entirely different perspective on our culture and influenced me in developing my belief in a healthy work-life balance.

What extracurricular activities/student organizations are you involved with?

During my undergrad years I participated in Chi Psi Fraternity, S.T.A.R., the Wrestling Club, and I was a campus tour guide!

What are your post-graduation plans?

I plan to spend a disproportionate amount of my income on cross-country adventures and exotic food while enjoying the company of my friends and family. I will also be working as the HR Assistant for the Streamwood Park District in Streamwood, IL.

In your free time, what do you do for fun?

In my free time I enjoy reading through my ever-growing stack of novels. I enjoy exercising, playing golf, building campfires, fishing (but not catching) and eating pudgie pies. I like driving my car, singing along to music, buying shoes and spending lazy weekends with great friends.

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